Dernier ajout : 29 juillet 2014.
Musique tzigane électrifiée
La Fanfare P4, c’est comme si l’armée mexicaine s’était emparée des rythmes
des Balkans. Peut-être pourrait-on parler de tsunami sonore ?
Capables de tout, à commencer par nous faire croire qu’ils arrivent tout droit des Balkans après avoir chipé les sons, la créativité, l’humour, le culot et la vivacité
de tous les pays qu’ils ont un jour traversé, les P4 donnent corps à leur musique grâce à l’énergie des huit musiciens et de la danseuse.
"The Fanfare P4, it is as if the Mexican army had seized Balkan rhythms. Some even talk of a sound tsunami !"
Capable of anything, starting with us to believe they come straight from the Balkans after having stolen the sounds, the creativity, the humor and the liveliness of all the countries they once crossed, the P4 fuel their music with the energy of 8 musicians and a dancer, who brings together the richness of Greek, Turk and Bulgarian sounds and the fire of Egyptian and Indian influenced dance.
Under a shower of warm notes distilled by a bunch of instruments, traditional music and dance come boiling in a mysterious still which pours a fresh and fragrant brandy worth of warming up the craziest parties.
"With their mismatched Rajasthan uniforms, the band whet the curiosity of kids, who cluster within inches of the crazy musicians." They’re servicemen ! "says one of them to his neighbor who answers "No, they’re clowns !"
BENLELUX // Bernard Hemblenne
Intersection Booking Agency
+32 495 54 60 89 (mob)
+32 86 38 70 33 (fax)
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